Thursday, November 29, 2007

New Job

It seems like forever since I have posted anything new!! Let's see...
I started a new job a week ago Monday. I work in the accounting office now in our food services department. YEAH... for air conditioning! It's a lot to learn but I do like it and I love the new people I am meeting and working with.
I had a pretty good Thanksgiving. Nothing to complain about really. Who gets to say they got to go to the beach on Thanksgiving?!?! It was such a beautiful day so of course I couldn't pass that up. I was only missing one thing that day. My family of course!! Hope you all had lots of good turkey and a happy day!
I'm excited for Christmas! I will be going home for 2 weeks!! I can hardly wait!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Catching the bus...

I have to say my time here spent on the bus has been quite an experience for me. I will be bringing home a lot of my stories from the times I have to ride the bus. Which is pretty often considering I enjoy getting out and away and taking off on a little adventures on the island. But never have I felt unsafe or afraid of what could happen to me, until the other night that is. My roommate and I had decided to go see a movie at the mall. The mall is in a town called Kaneohe (pronounced, connie-oh-hey) which is about a 45 minute bus ride. I knew the movie started at 7 and that it was only going to be bout 2 hours long. So we could easily catch the 9:41 bus home. If we did not make this one the next one was not coming until "approximately" 10:56. First off... never expect the buses to arrive or take off on time here. They kind of come and go as they please and if they don't feel like waiting they won't. Or if they have sped thru their whole ride it's too bad you were not there 25 minutes early to catch it. You now have to wait another 30 to 60 minutes to catch the next one. So there we were waiting for the bus, as we usually are on our outings, and at 10:01 still no bus. About 10 after I think it showed up. WHEW!!! I was getting worried. We both had to be up early the next day for work and school. This was going to be a long night. So we hop on the bus to be greeted by our bus driver who seemed to be pretty nice. (don't get that very often here either) As we begin our ride home we realize... oh no... she's a tapper. Meaning she literally taps her foot on the dang gas pedal, fast-slow-fast-slow. As if she were listening to music and tapping to the beat. We have had a few bus drivers like this and have now given them the nickname TAPPER. So we are off, tapping our 45 minute bus ride home. Mind you it is raining on this night also. The road we take back home is along the shore of the ocean and during the day it is a beautiful view. But at night, with a tapper and rain, and your bus starts to feel like it's fish tailing... you don't want to be anywhere near the ocean. Yea, so I'm thinking... man this could be an interesting way to die... bus driving into the ocean, right?!?! I was just not ready for this. So I put my music up real loud on my headphones cover my eyes with my hood from my jacket and just pretend I'm somewhere else. Suddenly the bus stops, and not at one of the bus route stops. The bus driver runs off the bus. I look at my roommate and ask her... "so do you think her shift is over?" We could not help but just sit there and laugh and wonder... will one of us have to try to drive this bus home? Finally she comes back on, apparently she had to use the restroom. I turned my music back up and covered my eyes again until I could faintly here the next stop being announced was the Polynesian Culture Center which is only bout 2 minutes from my stop to get off. I think we finally made it home about 11pm that night. Safe and unharmed, physically anyway. So that's it... that's all my story for you today... crazy bus rides!!