Wednesday, March 5, 2008


So the past 2 nights we have had quite the experience with the DAMN cockroaches here! We have had to sleep with our light on for the past 2 nights just to keep them away and I think now we have finally taken care of the problem! I'm attaching an obituary that Kristen wrote for our little friend that invaded our room the past few nights!

The Obituary of Mr. Cock-a-roach
LAIE – Hawaii, one of the largest stinking Cock-a-roaches of the 20th Century and a celebrated creepy crawler partner in crime, has died, due to insect poisoning. He was approximately 30 days old.

Mr. Cock-a-roach died Monday at home in the blue house on Wahinepee st, on north shore, from suffocation and minute internal injuries sustained in a late night attack at his residence “villa” in the corner room. His body was discovered by other victims this morning as he lay dying in the hall for all to see.

The allegations concerning his death, acts as a reminder to all of his friends; “there are no Cock-a-roaches in the corner room!” The criminal party pleaded guilty to 1st degree murder of an insect and is sentenced to sleeping with the light on for fear of invasion, jumpiness to everything that touches their arm, and having to take an unusual amount of shits due to the diarrhea that forms from nerves! Also, they will be sentenced to the laborious task of a deep clean as well as pesticide usage in order to maintain their sanity and sleep deprivation.

Known for his disgusting form and looks, Mr. Cock-a-roach also is remembered for his late night parties in the kitchen, bathroom, and other existing rooms, where he celebrated with the finest of filth around him. Having everything handed to him, Mr. Cock-a-roach rarely worked and on weekends had a buffet set style form the piling wasteland of trash in the kitchen which rarely was taken out.
Mr. Cock-a-roach was at the height of his growth when his death came to a smashing halt. Mrs. Cock-a-roach who died sometime ago was found underneath the bed on her back being carried away by ants that were doing their part for the recycling foundation. A never ending round of thanks for all those that participated in this event; including Mr. Gecko…God rest his soul who was tragically removed from the premises in a cup.