Ok... just got busted for not updating my blog! I know it's been a month. Never felt like I had much to update on. I was just taking a look back on this year. Can I say CRAZY!!! So much has gone on this year. Bear with me as recount some memories from this year.
January - Happy 2009! This month I was in full gear and in full prep for my wedding the following month. We had so many weekends of parties and showers. My family and friends made it so much fun and Gary and I were very spoiled!

February - WELCOME TO MARRIED LIFE! On 02/07 Gary and I were married! It was beautiful and fun and the best day of my life! Honeymoon in San Fran was so much fun and we keep saying how much we want to go back! Thanks mom!!! I have loved being married and though we may not be perfect at it, we work hard every day to make it even better and we love eachother more and more every day!

March: This month was a bit different. Late one evening we got a phone call from Gary's family that his 9 yr old cousin Noah had passed away. He had been ill but it still came as a bit of a surprise to the family. I did not know him long but what I did know, he was a wonderful kid and brightened so many lives. He has been missed dearly by so many. Then 10 days later my Grandpa also passed away. He lived a long life and a very good life. He also is missed but we know that both Noah and my Grandpa are no longer suffering and watching over us and we know that one day we can see them again and live as a family with them again.

April: Surprise!! We are having a baby! Here's my convesation with Gary.
First of all I woke up at 6am and had to pee. We had bought the pee sticks to have "just in case". I thought I would check it out this morning. Not that we were trying to get pregnant but we weren't preventing it either. So did the deed and not like 2 seconds an instant DARK pink line! Holy crap I thought... fertile mertle! I go back down to bed.
Me: Babe, I think I'm pregnant.
Gary: What? Really? (half asleep)
Me: Yea, I just pee'd on one of those things and it was positive.
Gary: Really?
Me: Yea, I will try it again later and see how the next comes out.
Gary: Ok (He's wide awake now)
I tried 2 that day and 1 the next day. All positive. 2 weeks later we were confirmed by the Dr that I was 5 weeks along. We were both so excited!!

May: We celebrated my mom's 50th birthday!! Not only was it a surprise birthday party but it was surprise party at her own house! LOL... Lot's of family and friends came and we all had such a good time! My mom is loved by so many. (She's not hard to love!) My sister and I have been truly blessed to have the mother we do. We have very special bonds that will always be.

I love this picture - show's my moms true personality!!!
June, July, August: I have lumped the summer together only because if it wasn't every weekend it was at least every other weekend we were up in the hills camping! We had so much fun and it was great being pregnant and camping because not once did I get cold at night. I had my own personal heater in my belly!
We also took a trip to Chicago for Fathers day this summer and Gary got to meet my family there. We had fun doing lots of sightseeing and visiting my dad and Lynn. Also this summer we had another huge loss. My grandpa Bud passed away. He was very funny and loved by so many and truly has been missed!
My best friend in the whole wide world also got officially engaged(meaning the huge rock was placed on her finger!)
Oh and who could forget the worst concert EVER... Aerosmith! What a joke!
All in all I had a great summer!

September: Woohoo.. another big wedding this year! My mom was married 09/09. She is now Mrs. Brink. We are so lucky to have gained such a wonderful step-father! I have never seen my mom so happy and they are always so cutsie with eachother. Between my mom and Jerry now there are 8 kids! I have always wanted a big family and who knew it would happen 30 years later!

October: Lots and lots of baby stuff!!! We had our baby shower. My dad and Lynn flew out for the weekend to celebrate too. We had so much fun. Brayden, Gary, I were completely spoiled! Thank you to all our family and friends! We appreciate everything and I can't wait for Brayden to wear all of his CUTE new outfits! Poor baby, he'll probably be over his mommy the first week because I will be changing him so often to see all his new outfits on him! AW...
Oh and Happy Halloween this month! Gary and I were one of the winners at the trunk decorating contest they had at my moms church for trunk-r-treat. We had a good time and a lot of Gary's family joined us for the fun!

November: Vacation for a week at home, Thanksgiving, Yummy Food, Black Friday, Shopping, New Moon, Friends and Family. Good month!
December: Home stretch! Brayden is due Dec 29th! I am definitely feeling the pressure now... literally! I can't believe the time is finally here! I am very excited for Christmas this year, whether he is here before or after it is a wonderful Christmas season!

I have so many blessings to be grateful for this year!! Thank you to everyone who has shared in my joys! Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas this year and remember your blessings!!! Love to you all!!!