Monday, May 11, 2009
Very Cool!
We had our first UltraSound today. We got to listen to the baby's heartbeat and they took a picture! So far everything is good. Heart rate was 154. Very exciting, very real, very scary! LOL, we are both looking forward to being parents and both have wanted this for ourselves for a long time. Now that its here, our minds are now of course flooded with questions and thoughts and excitement too! I know Gary is going to be such a great dad and I am looking forward so much to being a mommy! Where you see the arrow right in the middle of the picture... yep that's our little peanut!

Thursday, May 7, 2009
WOA... enough with the emotions!
Well it's true what they say about your emotions when you are pregnant. Well at least for me anyway. Some days I am so irritated that I just want to scream. My coworkers totally bug! (Kinda normal though anyway even when I wasn't prego) I had my first crying moment in the car the other morning driving to work. I was as usual listening to my music on the way and The Rascal Flatts song called My Wish came on. Needless to say by the end of the song I was drowning myself in my own tears. Just touched me so differently than it ever had before. I was laughing at myself the rest of the way to work because I felt like such a nerd that I let one song take over my emotions like that. Then back at work and back to irritation! Although today was a good day! (see, different every day!)
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