Oh my goodness! What a crazy crazy month October was! Every time I would sit down to update my blog something would come up and I never could get caught up. So now I have brought my laptop downstairs while I am baking cookies... so I can get this updated in between baking times.
We had a fun month but I am happy to say that I am glad it is over. I even took down all my Halloween stuff the day before because I was sick of looking at it. I know bah humbug on me. BUT now I am ready for the Thanksgiving and Christmas season!!!
Every year at church that have a day called Super Saturday. I LOVE IT! I love crafts and especially when I can get together with people I love. Here is one of the projects I did...

At the beginning of the month we took a drive to the mountains to see the pretty colors before they were all gone. We drove on a peak to peak highway and it was absolutely beautiful! We stopped at Echo Lake and walked around and let Brayden play in the snow for a bit. He loved it! We drove to Idaho Springs from there with a few stops in between. I love the mountains. I love exploring. I love the fresh air. I love the peace and quiet that comes with being up there. It truly is like heaven on earth. We stopped at Beaujo's Pizza for dinner. YUM! I could eat the crust and honey all day long! We had a great day and I'm glad we did when we did because I think the very next weekend it snowed real bad up there!
I was really excited to take Brayden trick or treating this year. I had chose his costume, which was the fireman. But then Brayden's cousin asked if he wanted to join in the group of costumes they were all dressing up as, Angry Birds. I of course couldn't pass that up. The only downfall to this was we had to make the costumes. They ended up being a little more time consuming then we had all planned but man did they turn out cute!
So this month we had Trunk or Treat, Northglenn Trick or Treat Street, and Boo at the Zoo. This was all days before Halloween. I always love going to Trunk or Treat. It's at my church and we have chili and cinnamon rolls, carnival games, costume parade and then everyone decorates their trunks and we go out to the parking lot and trick or treat. It's always a success and the kids always have so much fun.
We also did Boo at the Zoo again this year. I love it. Not only do the kids get to wear their costumes and get more candy but they get to see all of their favorite animals doing it! Good day and it's always crowded!
We tried something new this year and went to Nortghlenn High Schools Trick or Treat Street. NEVER AGAIN! Complete chaos! Not organized well at all and it takes FOREVER! And not fit for young kids. I understand that Halloween is all about ghosts and goblins, I get that. BUT don't invite a bunch of young kids to a Trick or Treat Street and then try to scare the hell out of them. Advise of an age that is appropriate for those types of places. A clown (like on the move IT) walked right up to Brayden and got in his face and then growled. I have never heard Brayden scream so loud. I was about to get into a huge fight in front of all the little kids. I so wanted to rip that mask off and pop him in the face. (Not sure why I didn't) Anyway the whole night was just annoying and a crazy mess. Like I said... never again!
So we get to Halloween night and Brayden I think was just done! He fell asleep in the car on the way over to my moms and had a hard time waking up once we got there. He was a bear once he woke up and screamed every time I tried to put his costume on. So we hunkered down and just handed out candy for the night at my moms. He loved it and probably had more fun doing that then if we had gone out. It was so cute to see him run to the door every time the doorbell would go off. So the night was still a success!
Also this month I have been taking more pictures and doing some research on photography. I have been tossing around the idea of getting into a photography side business. I love love love taking pictures. I always have a camera on me wherever we go. I love to catch all those memories! I have been told that I do a pretty good job. Now I just need that confidence in myself. My type of work isn't going to be the same as everyone else and I need to quit comparing myself to every detail out there. Or I will never feel good enough! So I am going to try it and see how it goes!
Well October is over and here we are at the end of the year. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Brayden's 2nd Birthday!!! Can't believe my little man is going to be 2 years old!!! He is so amazing to me and picking up on things so fast. He is my little music man. He loves anything related to music. He loves to play with drumsticks, he loves to sing and play his Elmo guitar, and he has recently picked up playing the piano. My mom just got one and he loves to play it. Oh and he always rocks it like a rock star in the car! I can't wait to get him started in some sort of musical lesson!
Alright ... well here's to another couple of busy months ahead!
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