Ok...here may go one of my longest posts ever! I have been so far behind and then with December being one of the busiest months ever I had no time to post what we were up to!
The month started off with our traditional family outing to the Parade of Lights downtown. We always have fun doing this no matter the weather so far. And boy was it cold out there this year. Luckily myself and my sister-n-law are married to rednecks and they brought a propane heater along to keep us warm. My mom may have been the biggest redneck of them all. She brought her sleeping bag and cozied right on in. It was pretty funny. I think the parade was even shorter this time due to the cold because I don't think it lasted longer than a 1/2 hour. The kids all had so much fun though. I love watching Brayden and seeing his excitement at the things he see's.
While due to unfortunate circumstances, my mom and Brayden and I, got to take a trip to Florida for 4 days. My moms Aunt Alice passed away and we headed there for her funeral and memorial service. She actually had just moved out here from there a month earlier to be closer to us since we were really the only family she had left. She is missed so much already and we were so looking forward to having her near us. She was so sweet and so funny! She had moved from St. Augustine, Fl. I had never been there and it truly is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. We took a few days aside from the services and did some sightseeing. Brayden got to see the ocean for the first time. He didn't like it! I was shocked! But it was windy and cold and sea shells were EVERYWHERE. So I don't think he liked that feeling under his toes. I had fun though. I love the ocean! One of my favorite places! We also did some sightseeing in town. It is one of the oldest and most beautiful city's I have ever been too! I would love to go back. Probably one of the biggest highlights of the trip are the people I met. My aunt was very loved by her friends there. They helped us with whatever we needed. I met a one of her friends that I just fell in love with. Her name is Elke(L-Key). She is from Germany originally. We talked a lot and she told me lots and lots of stories from her childhood and on. I was so drawn in. I felt so lucky to meet her. If anyone knows me well you know I love love love history and I am especially taken when it comes to wars and I am even more taken when it comes to WWII. It just so happens that Elsie lived in Germany during that time. She was young but she remembers a lot and had translated a story from her mother. Which I read and it was beautiful. The love her mother had for the children. I wanted to share just a few things she told me because it really just touched me and I appreciate her willingness and openness to share. Elke was the youngest 5 I think she said. Her father was in the military. He became a prisoner of war at one point and was sent to Egypt. They didn't know where their father was for 2 years. Elke's mother traveled by foot many hours and days with those children to find safe havens during the war. Here are a few things she told me that really had such an overwhelming feeling on me...
Story #1 - She talked about a time that they had to move to France but all Germans were eventually being told to go back home to Germany. So there was basically a mass exodus. Many many people walking back to cross the border. Elke's mother tied a leather strap around her waist and then tied each end to the 2 younger children. Elke being one of them. The 3 older children walked directly in front of them to kind of block and guide the way. So no one would get lost. She said that 3,000 children were lost that day and families were separated because it was so crowded. I guess this story really affected me because I just thought of the love of this mother who had to tie her children to her so they wouldn't get lost. She led her family through so much and kept them safe and fed (even though some days were not as much as others) I read her story and cried the whole way through. I couldn't imagine having to do this. And yet I know I would if I were ever in this same situation.
Story #2 - Eventually the family was able to come to America. They sailed from Europe and landed in Houston, Texas. Elke told me she was so excited because of all the free food and the breakfast they were served everyday. She said it was the first time she ever got to try corn flakes. YES, corn flakes. She said she chose this for breakfast everyday because it was all the sugar and milk she could eat. I loved this story because just made me realize all the more things I take for granted.
Florida was wonderful and beautiful and I'm grateful to have met those new friends.
We came home and continued to get ready for the holidays. I did some crafts this year for Christmas gifts. I loved how they turned out and everyone that received one seemed to really like them. So I was glad for that!

We also did some decorating of gingerbread houses. The kids always enjoy this but I think us adults enjoyed it even more.
So Gary, Brayden and I along with my step mom planned a surprise trip out to Chicago to see my dad for Christmas. We have actually been planning it since September. You would not believe all the fibbing Lynn and I had to do to my dad to throw him off. And it wasn't easy either! I should say my dad didn't make it easy on us. He was trying to get us to come but I had to make up excuse after excuse of different plans we had(or didn't have) to throw him off. I was so happy to finally get there. And what a surprise it was!!! My dad was so excited. The plan was to have Brayden ring the doorbell in his Santa suit but of course he fell asleep on the way home so I had Lynn just walk in holding him. My dad hadn't seen my behind her yet so when he saw Lynn he was like ... "who the hell is that?" Until I chimed in with "Merry Christmas"... so funny and so much fun to surprise him! We had a wonderful 2 weeks there and time went by too quickly. Brayden ate up all the attention though! We celebrated his birthday there too and he loved it. Lynn had made reservations at a little diner called "All Aboard". I swear the place was put on this earth just for my son. He was so excited and loved all the trains! They even serve the food in little baskets that is brought out on the train. Very cute! We enjoyed our time very much!
Since we went to Chicago for Christmas we did all of Christmas celebrations with Gary's family before hand. Like I said we were very busy this past month. We enjoyed all of the family time. I look forward to this time of year every year.
We have one more celebration to go... Brayden's birthday celebration here at home this weekend! So yes probably more pictures to follow!
I am so excited for this new year! We have some fun family vacations planned(a trip to the Caribbean in November), our 3 year Anniversary (Vegas Style!), camping trips, and some personal goals I am looking forward to accomplishing! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and wishing you all a very Happy New Year!