Well I always told myself I wouldn't be like all those other moms who cried on the first day of their children starting school. BIG FAT LIE! I totally cried, and this was just preschool!!! My handsome, smart little boy started preschool today! He was totally excited as we were getting ready this morning. Easy peasy getting him ready to go. Of course once we got there and his teachers were asking him what his name was he froze up and hid behind me. That lasted all of 2 minutes once he began looking around the room and seeing all the fun things they had. He was off playing and I left the room. As I walked out to the car I totally felt the tears headin right down on my cheeks. SERIOUSLY?? I'm crying? Oh GEEZ! But I'm so proud of my little man. He is so adaptable to so many different situations. He had so much fun today. They did some painting, and had a parade, and he said he even held one little girls hand and he thinks she is his friend. Ha Ha. He is very excited to go back on Thursday!
Couple of pictures from this morning...
He wanted a picture with his bear before we left! Silly kid!