Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Spring is here!

Easter has come and gone!  The weekend was so busy I didn't take one picture with my camera!  Now I'm regretting it!

Last year we started a new tradition with Gary's family and did a glow in the dark Easter egg hunt.  This year was an even bigger hit.  The kids love it and I think the adults love it even more!  I wish I had pictures to show how cool the set up looks!  We had glow in the dark Easter eggs and glow in the dark balloons and glow sticks tied to everything that didn't fit in eggs.  It was so much fun!  The kids dyed Easter eggs while some of the adults set it all up in the back yard!

Saturday morning was another Easter egg hunt at Gary's moms house that she does annually for all the grand-kids.  Which of course always has my father-n-laws yummy cooking!!

Easter Sunday was nice and relaxing.  We had church in the morning and a delicious Easter dinner at my moms house.  Very low key and soooo good!  It was actually nice to celebrate Easter for what it truly is.  Some times I feel like things just get so commercialized and I know I'm guilty of getting to involved in all the hub bub of it.  I really want my children to understand the true meaning of why we celebrate the holidays we do.  I'm not going to take the magic out of it for them but I will always teach them the true meaning.  I'm okay with them knowing that the Easter bunny is not real.  Brayden said it himself this time too... after having his picture taken with the bunny this year he told me that there was a person inside.  I was totally okay with him knowing that and honestly felt good about it!

My super handsome boys on Easter Sunday

Now spring finally feels like it is here.  We are getting some much needed moisture and trees and flowers are starting to bud and the grass is turning green!  It's beautiful!

We are able to play outside more and not have to be so bundled up!  Last week my mom bought Brayden a new bike and he did so good for his first time out on it!  He loves getting outside and playing.  And now that he has something new and fun to do I'm sure we will be out in the nice weather a lot more!

We have 7 more weeks left until baby Ashlynn is here!  I'm getting pretty anxious but not anxious enough that I want it to happen any sooner!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Catch up again...

Since I use this somewhat as a journal I better be keeping up a whole lot better with this!  Here is my quick rundown of all that has gone on for the past 4 months.

December -
    #1- My sister and I and the kiddos took the train to Chicago to visit the folks!  Brayden and I caught the train here in Denver and met up with my sister in Nebraska and then on our way to Chicago.  Brayden loved the idea of the train ride but after being delayed almost 3 1/2 hours and ended up on the train for 18 hours,  he asked me if we could fly home.  And I will just say this... there are very interesting people on the train!  We did have fun though and I'm glad we got to experience it!  We had lots of fun in Chicago and got to celebrate our dads birthday while we were there!  The family got to meet Madalynn for the first time too!
   #2 - Dad, Lynn, Ang, Rick and the baby all came out to Denver for Christmas so we could celebrate Madalynn's first Christmas together!  So much fun having lots of family here!
   #3 - My Brayden turned 4 years old!!!  He is just becoming such a big boy!  He amazes me every day with the things he says and does!

January -
     We found out Brayden is having a baby SISTER!  This is exactly what he wanted.  He was so excited!  Gary and I are very excited also to be adding a baby girl to our family!  We have chosen the name Ashlynn Margaret.

February -
     #1 - Gary and I celebrated our 5 year Anniversary!  (WOW!) We spent a weekend up in Estes Park at a beautiful condo on the river.  It was a very relaxing and much needed get away!
     #2 - My best friend moved away to Texas!  SAD DAY!!!!!  But we have still managed to talk nearly every day still!

March -
     Brayden started back up in swim lessons.  He did 3 sessions and the teacher told him he could move up in the classes.  So he is now in the Jellyfish class.  He loves it.  A little nervous at first. But now he is a pro at being able to go under water and jumping in with no fear.  Gearing up for some summer fun in the pool!

These past few months just feel like they have zoomed by!  We have been organizing our little home to fit in our new little one!  She will be in our room at first and then sharing a room with Brayden for a bit.  We are hoping within the next 2 years we will be able to buy our first home!  That is our goal anyway!

I am feeling pretty good.  Ashlynn is doing well so far.  (Doc thinks it's another big baby!)  We are so looking forward to meeting her!