Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Grandpa

I want to dedicate this blog to my grandpa and share some stories about someone I loved so much!

Herbert Bridgford Nicholls
June 5, 1924 - March 31, 2009

Story #1
I will never forget 3 years of my life and having the most wonderful oppurtunity of my mom, sister, and I moving in with my grandparents. I was 9 years old when we moved in with them and stayed until I was almost 12. I wish all grandkids could have the experience I did. These years I will always cherish. I will never forget my grandpa's secret hiding spot in the closet in his office with all of his snacks for lunches and all the cream soda's one kid could find. My sister and I snuck into that closet often. Although I think my grandpa knew it was us but not once ever said anything to us. YUM... I miss those snacks... good ol' bugle cheese crackers and creme soda's!

Story #2
This also is from the time we lived with my grandparents. My sister and I walked home from school one dark and cloudy day to find my grandpa and mom home early for the day. They were watching the clouds very closely. Yep, a tornado watch right there in city of Denver. My sister and I had made quite the cozy bed down in the shower in the basement. We brought in lots of blankets, snacks(of course), a radio, all of our toys and dolls. We were set for the "big twister"! Now I don't even remember if it really hit or not or even if we ended up staying down there that long. I love this story because it was one of my grandpa's favorites to tell. In the past year that my grandpa has been in and out of hospitals and dialysis and has had so many visitors I think I heard him tell this story 100 times. He told every visitor, every family member, and every nurse. He just thought it was a hoot. I think my sister and I may have been good entertainment for him that day, more than the tornado.

Story #3
When I was a sophmore in high school my grandpa had a bowling tournament in Oklahoma. "Road Trip"... ya I'll go!!! I had just got my drivers permit.
This was my chance to put in some good drive time! Little did I know how much this trip would truly come to mean to me. I am so grateful I got this alone time with my grandparents. My grandma Nicholls was still alive then and while my grandpa was in meetings or just at practice we got to spend so much time together. A time I will never forget. If anyone knows my grandpa he is a storyteller. I heard every story my grandpa could remember. I don't think I had ever heard him talk so much until we had went on this trip. See my grandma usually did all the talking in any social gatherings we all had at the house I don't think my grandpa had a moment to squeeze a word in. Well now was his chance and he took full advantage. I don't remember honestly how well he did or didn't do at this tournament but I do know that we grew closer because of this trip. I will never forget him pretending to take a nap in the car while I was driving and I would look over once in awhile and check him peeking on me to make sure I was following all rules of going the speek limit. One trip I will NEVER forget!

Story #4
Our cruise to the Caribbean in 2003. My grandpa, granny, mom, sister, great aunt and uncle and a friend of ours all went. We had so much fun. I truly am just so lucky that I have been able to do so many things with my grandpa. He was very adventurous and I think just as excited as us to go on this vacation. He had gone them before and told us everything we needed to know. The ins and outs of cruising! He knew it! We had a ton of fun and saw amazing things. We stopped in Grand Cayman and all got to hold turtles. We then went on to Jamaica... UGH! Then to Cozumel Mexico. I'm glad I was able to take this trip with my family but especially that its another memory I have with my grandpa.

My grandpa was a big part of my life and I love him and will miss him and can't wait to see him again one day!!! Thanks for all the memories granps!!!


Susana Maria said...

thanks for sharing the stories about your grandpa. it helps a lot to have memories you can cherish. love you girl!

Aunt Lori said...

I have a story too.....he gave me a ride home one night after a family get together. It was very stormy and a lot of snow had fallen. He drove a mini van and drove 2 speeds....stop and go! He scared me half to death....all the time talking away and telling me stories. It was the ride of a lifetime and certainly one I'll never forget. He knew the secret of mini vans before the soccer mom!!!

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing lady. Sorry you left him....