Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Carving Pumpkins

NO Brayden didn't get to carve his first pumpkin - yes sometimes I am a good mom and I don't let him play with knives, usually. There is that off chance sometimes when he helps clear the dishwasher and of course the first thing he grabs for is the knives. Doah!

My mom came over to help clean and carve pumpkins with me and Brayden. Unfortunately Gary is allergic so he wasn't able to do much. We had fun though and just did the good old fashioned, draw your own face and go with it! It was fun and I can't wait till Brayden can get his little hands in them and help clean them out next year!

YAY... only a few more days till Halloween! Lovin it!


Reisberger Reflections said...

THOSE ARE SO CUTE! I love it, now I need to get my own pumpkins!

I hope you're still planning on visiting us, we do have something speical for the little fish.

Unknown said...

We did this last night too! Then my 9 year old told me about her friend's family that carves pumpkins, makes pumpkin shakes and a pumpkin pie. When they are done, they light pumpkins and turn out the lights and tell a story about the pumpkins. I want to be that cool.

Love your pumpkins...