Sunday, January 4, 2015

Families can be together forever

"Brayden are you ready for our big day tomorrow?"(me)


"Our family is going to be sealed in the temple tomorrow!"(me)
"Do you know what that word sealed means?"(me)

"No, wait, ya, ya, ya... it means our family will be together forever."(Brayden)


I can remember ever since I was a little girl wanting that fairy tale prince and the fairy tale wedding. The first wedding I remember my sister and I were flower girls.  I remember standing up next to the bride and groom and watching the beauty happen and how happy everyone was.  I think I was 5 or 6 at the time.  I wanted that.  I have been to many many weddings in my lifetime.  All of them beautiful.  All of them exciting.  Everyone looking beautiful in big white dresses and fancy tuxes.  Big parties, lots of good food.  But as I got older and actually listened to what the preacher was saying, there was a tinge of sadness to me.  Always ended with until death do you part.  UH.. say what?  Why does this happy day and marriage have to end just because we die?  Never made any sense to me.

Why does anything have to end just because we die?  I don't believe that.  There is more than just this life we are living now.  I know it, I believe it and I'm so grateful for that knowledge.

I remember at my own wedding I asked our Bishop to make sure not to end our ceremony with those words.  I hated those words.  Such a downer.  I didn't want my family to end at death.


Fast forward to almost 6 years later (after our wedding)... Gary and I have been preparing ourselves and our family to go to the temple. Why?  Because that's where we believe that families can be sealed together forever with the proper authority from God.  A sealing, is the joining together of a man and a woman and their children for eternity.  The sealing means that family relationships will endure after death as long as we live according the teachings of Jesus Christ.

And that is what I had been waiting for all these years!  For my family to be sealed so we can be a family for all eternity. 

Yesterday we did just that.  My family and I went to the Denver Temple and we were sealed for all time and eternity.  It was truly the best day I have ever had!

(It was freezing and snowing like crazy so maybe when it gets warmer we can go back to the temple and get nicer family photos!!)


Reisberger Reflections said...

Love it and love you all. Congrats on your beautiful, eternal family!

Roxcy said...

I am so happy for you! What a blessing temples are! Love you!