Tuesday, October 16, 2012

To Facebook or not to Facebook???

That is the question of the day. It's almost become an addiction (that I am not proud of). I am constantly checking my phone for updates or every time I get on the computer I look at Facebook. And to be completely honest more often then not it is completely boring. OR POLITICAL. UGH! Why does politics bring out so much hatred in everyone? So sad!!! And annoying! I have gone through my 'friends list' numerous times and "cleaned it up". So I can honestly say it's mainly family and old high school pals with a little mixture of other friends. BUT like I said it has become an addiction of constantly checking. Taking time away from my family or just time I could be doing better things with my life. Like I could probably actually finish reading the 2nd book in The Hunger Games. Ya, I have been trying to read that for 6 months now! I'm lame! Or I could bake more, or craft more, organize more, play with Brayden more, or get back to studying my scriptures more. So many more better things to do. (well this is totally making up my mind!!) I think I have talked myself into it! So this is where I will post my pictures and family updates! I haven't done well this past year. But will plan on keeping up to date! Our family journal! Yay! Thank you for following along! If any family and friends have a blog I love to follow along too! Pass along your blog to me please! This past week I had a dear friend come to visit for a few days! She bought Brayden a cooking kit. He was so excited to bake some cookies. And that's just what we did today!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Boo! We're ba-ack!!!

Seriously!! I can't believe April was my last update! So much has happened and changed since then! We had a long busy summer. Here are some updates: -Gary lost his job in March. Made for a long summer but we got by just fine. He has since been re-hired by his same company basically. Just different position under different management. He loves it and that makes me happy! -Because of our circumstances we only made it out on 2 camping trips this season. Now if anyone knows us that is extremely unusual! But we enjoyed our time and can't wait for next summer and hopefully lots more camping and fishing! -NOTHING new with me! I know I'm boring! -Brayden - growing big and strong. He just finished up his speech therapy classes in August and now he is talking like a weed. Sometimes it's hard for me to remember that he is still only 2 years old. I have to constantly remind myself of this. We have begun the talk of potty training and he wants absolutely nothing to do with it. Except for he keeps picking out underwear he likes. ha ha - I mean, who wouldn't pass up Thomas the Train underwear!! -We moved, AGAIN! Only about 10 mins away from where we were so not a big move. But we are back on our own again. We had been living with Gary's aunt and uncle. And as good as that went and helped us to pay down some bills, it is nice to have our own space again! We are now living in my moms rental condo. She ended up having to kick her renters out. The pretty much demolished the place. So we had quite the work cut out for us getting it put back together. It is not all completely finished but it was done enough to move in. So we still have some work to do but totally worth it to have our own place again! Once we are done I will have to post before and after pics. Brayden and I just got back from visiting Nani and Papa in Chicago. We celebrated Nani's birthday and had a great week!
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