Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I saw my first TURTLE!!

Today I saw my first turtle in the ocean!! I have to say it was pretty amazing. We were out playing in the water and not maybe 15 feet from us I could see something bobbing its head out of the water in the wave. We then realized it was a turtle. He was sooo big!!

It is a Hawaiin legend that if you see a turlte it brings good luck!! We kept trying to get closer to him but then I would freak myself out because where there is one big animal in the ocean I'm sure there are more!! But it was almost like he was watching us. He would go down for awhile and then come back up to the surface and hang out in the waves. It was pretty cool!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

What else is there to do, right?!?!

As you can see there are many nights when Kristen and I have to entertain ourselves. Our town consists of a grocery store, taco bell, subway, an ice cream shop, and a bank. When it's raining you are pretty much stuck to hanging out in your room. But we have found ways to still party like rockstars!! Thank goodness we have brought at least 5 outfits with us so we could have our supermodel documentary hour! Yes, we were inspired by the Superstar! We took over 200 pictures that night! I was laughing so hard!! I'm sure our roommates were wondering what we were doing. We had lots of fun though! Hope everyone is well back on the mainland! Miss you guys!!

We can never take anything serious!!!

Superstar documentary hour!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My weekend-o-fun!!

We did so much this weekend! On friday night they held an American Idol at the University only called it, BYUH Idol. My roommate and I called it international idol. Most of the performers were from different countries singing in english with heavy accents. Not so good. Then all the mainland kids just really weren't that good at all. The only one we really liked was this guy from Haiti and he sang a song he wrote in his own language. But I don't know if you could call it singing because it was more like a rap song. It was funny though. Saturday we went to Hanauma Bay and did snorkeling in the morning. It was so much fun. We saw lots of pretty fish. My favorite was the black and white polka dotted puffer fish. They were just babies too and so cute. We saw a big parrot fish about 2 feet long and he kept getting close to us. I had to get up and out. Kind of scared me. I was hoping we could have seen a turtle. No such luck. The rest of the day was spent running errands. Sunday we went to Pearl Harbor. It was pretty amazing. It was hard to believe that something like that ever did happen. I think if ever anyone has the chance to see it they should definitely make the trip out. Well here is to more exciting weekends!! CHEERS!!


How we entertain ourselves! Don't ask!!

Snorkeling at Hanauma Bay

Pearl Harbor

Camera fun!!