Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Singing in the Rain

My story for the day is this -
Kristen and I decided to walk down to get some dinner. It's only about a 15 minute walk. So we are walking and a nice misty rain begins. Of all days to be wearing a white tshirt right? So we start booking it to the store so we don't get the big down pour. We make it with slightly wet clothing. It only lasted maybe 3 minutes. So we get our food and start to head back home. I keep thinking... man it's so warm and humid now. This walk home is going to stink big time. When all of a sudden HUGE downpour. We run to the nearest tree we can find. Because you can do that here since there is no lightening. So yes the two of us crouched behind one tree trying not get soaking wet. Oh but we still did. It was great. I was just trying to keep the front of me dry with the white shirt and all. The rain here gives you no chance at all to run for cover, one minute it's sunshine and the next downpouring like theres no tomorrow. My suggestion... just don't ever plan on wearing white!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was laughing my Butt off because we were just crouched down against a fence as if that was going to keept the rain off! It was hilarious!!!!!!!!!! RUN FOR COVER!